Case Studies

With the increasing interest being expressed in Xero, Infogeni decided to implement an interface between its product software ContinuCare and Xero.
Infogeni Solutions was formed to focus on the business software needs of the healthcare sector – in particular providing the continuum of care from home and community based care through to retirement village and rest home care.
ContinuCare streamlines the core business processes of care organisations. It reduces costs, improves efficiencies, delivers better customer service and increases profitability through its care management, restoring, timesheeting etc. It already interfaced with a variety of payroll and accounting systems, but Xero needed to be added to the list.
The brief was simple: provide the interface and thereby remove the need for manual data entry of financial transactions – saving time and improving data quality. The robust and cost effective interface (API) provided exactly the outcomes Infogeni customers were seeking.